
在NAHB首席执行官兼总裁吉姆·托宾的指导下, 七个小组领导了我们的许多倡议, 每天都有复杂的关联地址. The heads of each group and the chief of staff comprise the NAHB Management Team.

Geoff Cassidy is the chief revenue officer at NAHB and leads all efforts to bolster non-dues revenue. This includes the Convention Operations team that over oversees the planning, 展览销售/服务, logistics and management of the flagship NAHB 国际建筑商展® (肠易激综合症). This group also administers the Leading Suppliers Council and its signature projects, 新美国人的家和新美国人改造的家, 在肠易激综合症展出.

The Business Development and Sales team seeks new business and sponsorship opportunities, including affinity programs; and maintains relationships with companies that support our councils, 董事会及委员会.

NAHB的会议 & Events team oversees numerous important events, conferences and leadership meetings.

Dr. 罗伯特·迪茨,首席经济学家
Dr. Robert Dietz是NAHB的首席经济学家, leading an economics team that provides detailed analysis of the home building industry. The Forecasting and Analysis staff generates the NAHB housing/economic forecast to provide builders a clear view of market conditions. The Survey Research team produces the NAHB/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index, as well as other surveys that take the pulse of the industry. The Housing Policy Research staff publishes analysis of tax and other legislative/regulatory policies to support NAHB’s advocacy efforts, 包括对房屋建设的经济影响的估计.

该小组的研究报告和每日分析通过 关注住房 博客将NAHB定位为行业情报领导者.

Meghan Everngam serves as chief of staff to NAHB CEO and President Jim Tobin. 在这个角色中, she facilitates the implementation of the NAHB Strategic Plan and serves as staff liaison to the Association Planning Committee.

Stacey Harris serves as NAHB’s chief human resources officer, and is responsible for all employment-related issues for the association, including NAHB staff benefits; diversity, equity and inclusion; and recruitment and hiring.

保罗·洛佩兹(Paul Lopez)是NAHB的首席运营官, 领导一个多元化的团队处理内部运作, 沟通及市场推广计划, 国际推广, 领导支持.

The Association Counsel manages all of NAHB’s legal contracts for products, services and sponsorship.

通信 & Public Affairs team serves as the link between NAHB’s messaging and outreach with members, 新闻媒体和公众. The Information Technology staff manages NAHB’s networking systems, 数据库, 计算机和软件.

International staff works to attract global members and works with the 国际住房协会, NAHB在哪里担任秘书处. The 领导 Support team work closely with our Senior Officers on their executive duties.

市场营销 & Brand Strategy leads all marketing and promotional efforts for NAHB products, 活动和服务, 包括肠易激综合症, 并管理NAHB的品牌和标志要求. NAHB Studios-Structure Productions is NAHB’s dynamic in-house production team that creates captivating video to target audiences through a variety of platforms.

The 国家住房中心 Operations team oversees building contractors and tenants, 管理建筑空间的设施租赁.

Eileen Ramage首席财务官
Eileen Ramage is NAHB’s chief financial officer and leads all accounting services, 包括购买产品和服务, 会员会计和收款. The Financial Services team also manages NAHB’s complex budgeting process, ensuring that NAHB leadership is always accurately apprised of the association’s financial situation and forecasts for future growth.

Melissa Voorhees,首席联盟/体验官
Melissa Voorhees is the chief federation/experience officer at NAHB, leading the teams responsible for member recruitment and retention, 成员参与, 多家庭和劳动力发展.

The Member Services team supports members in targeted industry segments including remodeling, 构建系统, 销售和市场营销, 55岁以上和多户住宅. This team also provides services for targeted member groups such as Young Professionals, 建筑业的专业女性和准会员. The Business Improvement Programs team helps members manage their businesses more profitably through specialized programs and resources including business management, 20 club和Connect 10.

The Federation Services team delivers innovative programs designed to strengthen the local and state associations and develop their staff and leadership.

The Member Engagement and Learning team works collaboratively across the organization to enhance the member experience through diversified learning products and unique 成员参与 opportunities.

The Workforce Development team leads the association’s efforts to build the pipeline of skilled workers needed throughout the housing industry.

NAHB’s chief advocacy officer leads the joint efforts of Federal Government Affairs; BUILD-PAC, NAHB’s political action committee; 州和地方 Government Affairs; Housing Finance; Legal Advocacy; and Regulatory Affairs.

These teams are responsible for advancing the interests of the residential housing industry at the local, 州政府和联邦政府. Staff experts analyze and develop policy and strategy recommendations on proposed regulations and legislation affecting all aspects of the housing industry.

The Legal Advocacy team also manages all litigation and appellate efforts to overcome government overreach that harms member business and home affordability.

NAHB组织结构图  有效的简. 1, 2024